Visit my new travel blog!

Hey guys!

It’s Bike Boy93, and I am here to tell you about my new blog about amazing vacation spots all around the world. I know you’re all disappointed that I no longer post about Club Penguin, but I have grown out of that stage and have moved on with my life. I am currently 16 years old,  I’m in 10th grade, and I’m still playing a lot of hockey! Anyways, my new blog is very professional with descriptive facts that many people can find interesting!

I would appreciate it if you guys visit my new blog 🙂 Visit it now by clicking HERE! You guys can also follow my new twitter @World_Paradise to keep updated with my new website and my life.

-Bike Boy93


Hey guys, Bike here. I got very sad news to tell all of you…I am leaving this site, for now… However, don’t start to freak out yet until I tell you what is going to happen next.

Here’s what happened, first off I get hosted with Akonhomie. As many of you might know, he quit Club Penguin last month which left me with one more month of hosting my site. Today unfortunately, was the last day my site was hosted. Since Akonhomie is never online anymore, I can not access the files to my regular site. Therefore, I will never be able to have my site back to normal until he gives me the files, which will most likely not happen..However, I will most likely make a new blog about Club Penguin, and once I do, I will make sure to tell all of you guys on here and my twitter! Also, I am not going to be leaving you guys social wise! You can still communicate with me on my twitter by clicking here, and also chat with me everyday on !

I have also made another blog if any of you like following hockey or the nhl. Check it out by clicking here!

I hope I can still talk with all of you guys on my twitter. Also, I will be logging onto Club Penguin often to so it’s not really quitting 🙂

– Bike Boy93, The Captain of

Bike Boy93 is Still Here!

Hey everyone! Boy, am I glad to post again. You guys are probably like, “What is going on with Bike’s site?” Well, first off I get hosted with Akonhomie. As many of you might know, he quit Club Penguin last month which left me with one more month of hosting my site. Today unfortunately, was the last day my site was hosted. For right now, I am searching for people to host me and numerous people said they could! That means that my regular site will most likely be back very soon!

As for right now, this is my old back up site which isn’t as nearly good as my regular web page. For now, all you guys are gonna just have to wait it out just like me. I know it stinks, but I promise you guys that my site will be back to normal again. If not, then I guess it’s a good bye, but HEY! let’s not talk about that yet! I am not the kind of person that gives up and quits. Anyways, for now just explore this site!

– Bike Boy93, The Captain of

Club Penguin Gnome Winner!

Hey everyone!

Did you all vote for any of the 3 Gnomes to appear on November 13th in Club Penguin’s newest stage? Well, if you did there is a winner! Gnome #1 is the WINNER! Here is a picture of Gnome #1:


That’s awesome huh? Comment and tell me which one you voted for! I wanted the Gnome #1 to win!

– Bike Boy93, The Captain of

Club Penguin NEWEST Color! Behind the Scenes!

WOAH! Guy’s guess what I’ve found out! Swiminn6 gave me some info of  an upcoming penguin color coming to Club Penguin! Okay, so if you were on my site earlier today you must have already seen Club Penguin You Decide A Costume for the Stage. Well, take a look at this photo:


Notice the color on each of the 3 penguins? The color is gray! Now, I’m pretty sure this color will make an arrival to Club Penguin soon so keep checking back here for updates! Thanks to Swiminn6 for the info! Visit his website at

– Bike Boy93, The Captain of

Mysterious Club Penguin Volcano!

Hey everyone! Since there’s really nothing to post about today about Club Penguin I wanted to focus in on the mysterious volcano that can be seen from the Dojo Courtyard.


What exactly is the volcano going to mean for us? People have been thinking it’s a new room and I also agree, but take a look of this one I highlighted. It’s going to be sorta weird if the volcano ends up being a room because look how steep it is. We would either be walking almost straight up or down:


So what do you think? Will the volcano end up being a room or just something that will be in the background of the newest room, The Tallest Mountain. Comment me your thoughts! I would love to hear!

– Bike Boy93, The Captain of

Club Penguin Ninja Hideout & Volcano Coming Soon!

The sky on Club Penguin is no longer orange today. This meaning that the Sensei scavenger hunt is now completed. If you go to the Dojo Courtyard right now, you will see that the Volcano on the left of your screen has smoke coming out of the top of it! Here’s the picture:


Now, go into the Ninja Hideout if you are a ninja and look at the floor. The spot in the middle of the floor has now turned into an amulet with fire, water, and ice! These are the three elements that make up the amulet. We will probably be able to buy this amulet in the ninja catalog soon, and be able to enter the new volcano by this Friday!


This is awesome! I can’t wait for the new volcano! What do you think the new ninja journey will be like at the volcano? I think it will be pretty cool.

– Bike Boy93, The Captain of

Club Penguin Halloween Costumes Sneak Peek!

Hey everyone! Are you ready for Halloween? This Friday, the new Halloween catalog that everyone on Club Penguin loves will be coming out!


The hat that you see above will appear in this Club Penguin catalog called the “Blizzard Wizard Hat”. The Club Penguin Team says that “in this year’s edition…well, let’s just say I’ve seen ’em and I’m pretty sure you’ll think they’re cool!”

My question is will they bring back returning Halloween costumes like they always do, or will they actually bring out new ones? What do you think?

– Bike Boy93, The Captain of

Club Penguin Ninja Hideout!

Hey everyone! If you haven’t noticed, the past week the Ninja Hideout on Club Penguin has been one BUSY place to be at! If use your Cloud Wave Bracers….  the giant wheel turn  and all the items collected from the scavenger hunt being moved:


Doesn’t it make you wonder what Sensei’s doing with all that stuff? Don’t forget that Sept. 27 is the final day of the scavenger hunt! If you still haven’t beaten it yet and you want to, we have the cheats by clicking here!

– Bike Boy93, The Captain of

ClubPenguin.TV is the Place to be!

Everyone! If you haven’t found yet, you better check it out now! It is a website owned by Chrisdog93!


I personally think is the best Club Penguin prize site out there because he is giving away free coin codes, memberships, parties, games, pixel penguins, and so much more! Also, this week he will be having card-jisu contest! As you can see, Chrisdog93 gives TONS of stuff out for you guys to have and enjoy! 

Another awesome thing is that has INCREDIBLE parties that you can get involved in! Here’s just one example out of many others of a party he had recently:

So what are you waiting for? Seriously? Head on out to by clicking here! You won’t be sorry!

– Bike Boy93, The Captain of